Monday, October 5, 2009

Our Adventure At The Rock Creek Country Fair

Few weekends ago we decided to visit 64th annual Rock Creek Country Fair.

Rock Creek is a very little town located in beautiful Kettle River Valley. It is about 45 minute drive from our house and last time we went to the Fair was 7 years ago. It was time to check it out again.

Since we couldn't go for our annual September Family Vacation due to non-existent funds this year we decided to become tourists in our town.

Rock Creek Fair it's also called the Biggest Little Country Fair Around. There is so much to do and so much to see.

I personally am not a big country fair goer, but promise me Whale Tail/Beaver Tail/Elephant Ear or whatever they're called in your neck of the woods I'll be there.
Just the thought of the yummy, greasy, cinnamon-sugar goodness makes me slobber like a Pavlov's dog.

Anyway, the first thing we did after finding a parking spot we went for the famous country fair food (it was lunchtime). My kids and hubby chose Beef&Been burritos. Of course I had to be different and I went for the fully loaded German Schnitzel. What a dissapointment. It was to a point that I almost swore of schnitzels for life (I love,love,love schnitzels).

Lunch was over and next stop was the barn.

(To understand what happened next I must tell you that we live on the outskirts of little town with lots of fields with live stock around us.)

We walk to the barn, cows and bulls everywhere. My 7 year old looks around and very loudly proclaims: "So, this is what a cow looks like, interesting". I stopped, turned around and realized that he's being serious. You never know what comes out of that kid's mouth, seriously.

Next stop, chickens and turkeys. My kids spent half an hour looking at them. You would think I never let them out of the house. At this point my allergies were killing me. Time to move on - "....but mom we didn't see the pigs yet".

We walk by the 4-H cattle competition. See all the 4-H kids in their matching Beef Club shirt.My older one decides that maybe I should get him a domestic animal that he can take care of and compete with. Seriously...I think I should not let my kids out of the house again.

Time to view the pavilions full of displays with prize winning vegetables, fruit, cookies, breads, flowers, pies, pickles, canning, home made clothes and the list goes on. It was interesting. I just wish there wasn't so much of it cramped into small space with tons of people walking by.

My sons suggested that I should enter my cakes next year and I would win the best decorated for sure (bless, their little hearts).

After the displays I wanted to check out the market. Suddenly I stopped and right in front of I dreaming...somebody pinch...yes, it is true...WHALE TAILS. The world stopped for a minute right then and there till I had the yummy, greasy, cinnamon sugar goodness in my hand.

I can enjoy the fair now.My boys found a booth with Hawaiian shaved ice and to add to their excitment they had some sugar-free flavors.To tell the truth I was actually excited for my son. Not often when we go out they offer sugar free treats never mind at country fairs.

My boys and hubby spotted a huge display section full of big tractors, loaders and heavy equipment.Of course we had to stop to check them out one by one, sit in it, pose in front of it and ask questions about it (no, we are not in a market for a new heavy equipment). "Mommy, mommy come and sit in it, isn't it awesome, we should get one". "Take a picture, take a picture".

I must admit I loved the golf carts. I could go for one of them.

Our day was coming to an end, but before we go another Whale Tail was a must.

All I have to say: "I hope next September we will have enough funds in the piggy
bank to go for our usual family vacation".



How sweet, he has faith in your cakes. ;)

Love the 'this is what a cow looks like' line.

PS Thanks for stopping by on my special day!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey

Yes, he does. He's so sweet.